

Our new site is online

DMPI is acquiring new communication tools, starting with a new “responsive” Internet site (meaning it is compatible with tablets and smartphones). Enjoy your visit to www.dmpi.be

There you will find a heap of practical info on our company that specialises in machining and precision industrial mechanics: our expertise, our equipment, our process, our news in photos and videos.

From design to realisation, DMPI is able to take charge of all stages of your project:  planning and design, turning, milling, boring, sheet metal, machine welding and manufacture of medium-sized and large metal pieces.

DMPI in stats:

  • 40 years of expertise
  • 15 employees
  • 4,500m2 in Eastern Belgium
  • 200 different customers every year

Enjoy your visit to our site www.dmpi.be

Our Location

DMPI is a company that specialises in the machining and manufacture of metal pieces of all varieties.